Installation view
15′ x 26′ x 13′
duration 14:00
The DownStream Project
Social Practice, Four Channel Video Installation + Interviews, 2013
The DownStream Project explores incremental destruction of open space from our economic system’s need for constant development. It includes audio interviews with a land management professional and a wetland restoration ecologist as well as a central four chapter / four channel video installation.
Sarah Storer
Sarah is a land management specialist who worked with the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust (Dartmouth Massachusetts).
Sara da Silva Quintal
Sara is a restoration ecologist with the Buzzards Bay Coalition (New Bedford, Massachusetts).
DownStream’s four chapter / four channel video installation takes viewers through the wetlands of Dartmouth, MA, starting with rain floating down urban streets into a drain before popping up in a forest stream, then marshland and ending at the sea.
Each screen presents viewers with one of four unique angles: looking forward, looking to the side, up from beneath river beds and forest canopies, and down from 80 feet in the air. Periodically, this hypnotizing 14 minute journey is subtly interrupted by flashes of strip malls and suburban sprawl.
Video installation view. Duration :55 seconds